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Fall  Maintenance





Locate Your Shutoff Valves

Disconnect Your Hoses 

Drain Your Outside Faucet Completely

Insulate Your Faucet

Fall Chores You Can't Afford to Ignore

Deal With the Leaves

Fallen leaves can kill grass when they’re matted down by snow or leave stains on decks or walkways. Leaf piles can also attract rodents.

Check the Roof

Leaks can eventually damage the wood sheathing and rafters below your shingles, leading to expensive repairs at a time when they’re difficult to make.

Clear Gutters

Gutters stuffed with leaves, pine needles, and other debris can let water spill over the side, pool around your home’s foundation, and seep inside. Water that freezes in gutters can force snow and ice into roof shingles, causing damage and leaks.

Close Your Hoses

Pipes can burst when water inside expands as it freezes, creating an expensive mess in your home.

Clean Your Chimney

A wood-burning fireplace or stove may be cozy, but creosote (smoke residue) buildup can impede the flow of smoke and cause chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. Even unused chimneys can develop cracks that weaken the structure.


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